June 27, 2022

Why do you think it was you who was given this award, and how would you describe yourself as a colleague?
First, I would like to emphasize that my colleagues would be in a better position than me to answer this question. I was positively shocked when I heard that I was nominated to the award, and it is a huge motivation to get this recognition.
I started my career in Norway in 2004 and have worked for Beerenberg from 2014. Since then I have worked with different characters and personalities from many different nationalities, which has given me a varied and valuable experience. I think that this has had a good impact on me and made me a responsible and openminded person that my colleagues feel they can rely on.

Can you give one concrete example of your flexible way of acting?
Well, once I was asked by my leader to find twelve persons to perform an insulation scope at Tjeldbergodden, leaving already the next day. The team conducted the job with no delays, and feedback from client was that they were really surprised by the high quality in such a short time. This is just one example, but I like to be surrounded by people who can turn around on short notice and handle unforeseen things that comes up.

What would you say is the most important part of your job?
To have skilled and qualified personnel. Then we can carry out the jobs at a high level and I am confident that we are able to achieve our goals. My every day goal is to make as less factors as I can and earn money for the company, and that can only be reached with colleagues with the right mindset. I always strive for high quality and it is important that my managers know that they can trust me and my team.

Communication is also a key factor for success as I can see it. It is important that we have mutual respect, and I always try to find a sensible approach to every member in my team so that we all can work effectively. I like to involve the whole team to get their opinion on things, but in the end, it is me who must be the responsible leader and make the final decisions.

Finally, to follow the safety roles is crucial. I must make sure that all my people leave work every day safe and healthy.

How would you describe a good day at work?
The best feeling is when we have fulfilled the plan and achieved a goal. Good results and constantly evaluation of my job is a great motivation for me moving forward.

For Kiril`s leader, Marcin Firmuga, it is very important to have foreman with this type of character trait.
-Kiril as a colleague is a great example of what characterizes a flexible worker. He is always open to have conversations with workers, other foremen, leaders, and clients, and in that way it is a good position to both give and take advise. My definition of a flexible leader is a person who is ready to accept changes, find alternative solutions and who can build a dedicated work crew with positivity. That kind of person is Kiril!

Name: Kiril Voropajev
Position: Foreman isolation Mongstad
Age: 40
Interest: A good rest is essential to recover after a job period, and the best way for me in that matter is to travel with my family and get new positive impressions. I also enjoy being all alone and go fishing. Then I have the time to think, and sometimes I make the best decisions in these moments.

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